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The Benefits of Proper Installation

For landscaping projects such as decks, patios, fences and pergolas many homeowners decide to take the DIY approach. While this is fine for those with a little bit of construction experience, novice builders would do well to consult with an expert. Proper installation is a key component to ensuring the functionality, safety, longevity and aesthetic appeal of your project. In this article, we will explore why proper installation is so important. Aesthetic Appeal Although it... View Article

December 2016

Lawn Cutting Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Mowing the grass is so simple – so common – that most homeowners do it without a second thought. But like many other chores that we take for granted, good technique is important. In fact, the way in which you cut your lawn can make the difference between having a lush, green and healthy yard or one a sickly, weed-filled ragged one. So, if you are looking for ways to improve the appearance of your... View Article

September 2016

The Keys to Having a Great Contractor Experience

Whether it is for regular upkeep and maintenance or a large home improvement or landscaping project, just about everyone will deal with a contractor at some point. And that experience can either be good, bad or somewhere in between. Provided that you’ve hired a reputable company, that experience is often based on perception. The following are a few tips to help you have the best contractor experience possible. Know what you want before the job... View Article

August 2016